If you have any questions not addressed in our TOS, FAQ or care guide, it's very possible you may have missed something! Our FAQ and TOS in particular are geared towards answering regular inquiries that we get multiple times per week.
Our direct contact information is reserved for our clients due to the sheer volume of email inquiries we get that ignore our TOS and FAQ, allowing us to dedicate our work hours to assisting present clients over answering the same questions repeatedly. If you feel that you have a question not answered in our FAQ or TOS, you can use our suggestion submission form! This form is NOT for contacting us about a specific commission request and generally you will not recieve a direct reply, as a client you will recieve our live contact info and our email.
The primary way we give out WIPs and information is through our announcement channel. You can join our telegram announcement channel below!
Our announcement channel is an extremely useful tool for us [and you!] and will inform you in advance of any openings, updates to our service and share finished fursuits with you a full week or more in advance of any social media. We will often open via our update channel first and if all of our slots fill, we won't open via social media. For your best chance at a slot, join our update channel!